Happy Wednesday everyone !
Just back from a lovely holiday with my boys. Dylan had a blast- everything was about him- trips to the waterpark, chuck e cheese, the play centres, hanging with his friends and family, the list was endless.
Big Dylan (aka Daddy) and I had so much fun watching Dylan enjoy himself.
I`ve come to realize that lessons are everywhere. There are a few things that I`ve always known about myself that re-presented themselves this last week.
1) As a social worker, a former probation officer, a counsellor and someone who`s career has included working with victims and offenders, I have a strong sense of fairness. My personal and professional ethics are deeply rooted here.
2) I have an inability to remain quiet when I feel strongly about something. This is one of my greatest gifts, and also one of my biggest flaws. Even when it brings me grief, I`m still happy that I stood true and said what I wanted to stay. I`ve probably made more foes then friends with this, but that`s the consequence.
3) I`m not the type who should participate in contests where judgement, popularity, and pulling strings are the goal. Recent entry into a local photography contest has proved this.
I want to win something based on merit.
I don`t want to play those games, I want my artistry to be judged on if my images move you, or make you smile, or are pleasing to you. And if that`s not how i`ll be judged, then I`ve learnt that I don`t want to play in that sandbox.
source- pintrest (of course) lol |
Ohhhhhh this is a biggie.
Knowing what matters the most
and not engaging in what doesn`t matter.
What matters most is growing my talent.
nurturing my passion
feeling good about my work
making connections with people
not if it`s not fair and square.
And I can`t expect others to play by my rules, because they are just that... mine.
My integrity is just that- mine.
So what`s acceptable for someone else might not be for me, and that`s ok.
But I think I`m not cut out for those types of contests.
So in the future
It`s probably better for me to sit out of games where the `rules` will just frustrate me
and look for feedback and recognition from the things, and people that matter.
So on to something that is important.
Saying thank you for all of your support everyone.
I`ll be sharing with you all later today a session I did in Calgary... but not until
nap time.
Because I`ve got important play time to get to with my little man this morning.