
He's almost 3.  Less then 10 days shy of 3.

I've had this saying in my head for a while.  The picture was inspired by many others I've seen on Pintrest.  I'm fortunate to be an at home mom and able to see everything my little guy does and experiences.  I caught him during a rare quiet moment the other day when we were out on a hay ride.


I was feeling creative this morning and was looking through some photos I'd recently taken and hadn't edited.  I decided to be pretty creative with the edit on this one, since this type of creativity is something newish for me.  I never took THESE kinds of liberties back when I was doing client images.  :D

So I've been to the Tranquille Sanitarium , also known as Padova city a twice now, the last time this October.  The first time I went I didn't find it creepy despite it's reputation as being haunted.  These are the images from my first trip to tranquille.  If you don't know the history, poke around the internet or check out this page.

My second visit with Kendra was certainly creepy.  I don't scare easily, but I'm sure I saw a ghost in the laundry facility.  I'm TOTALLY sure I saw a ghost.  My feet took me out of there pretty quickly, but I had to peek back in.  I pulled up the image I took of the inside of that building, but didn't want to edit it.  It gives me the creeps.  Perhaps I'll go back and try another time.  No ghost in the picture, just crazy creepy feeling.

So forgive the odd timing of this image- a few days before Christmas isn't probably the best time for creepy  


Photography wish list 2012

Now that my photography time is mine,and mine alone, I've been making a list of all of the things I want to photograph in 2012.  Top of my list is horses.  I totally adore horses.  I think they are one of the most beautiful things around.  I'm partial to their faces, especially their noses and mouths.  Can't explain why, I just am.  

So it's not even 2012 yet, but I had an opportunity to take my son out to a stable with a good friend and her boys for some Christmas fun. Our toddlers rode "big boy" horses.  

So I could cross horses off my list, but I'm not content yet, I need more opportunities to photograph them.  It's funny, because I was just compiling this list, and an opportunity presented itself.  Cool !


Photography Challenge... are you in?

This is the 30 Day Photography Challenge I'm going to start in January.... get geared up everyone... who's gonna join me ???

If you do, will you share it on my facebook page, or link me to your blog?  Or email it to me and I'll put it up here and credit you?

It's fun, and a good prompt for fun photography !

Are you in??




First real snow of the year, so we headed out to play with one of our little buddies.

He was especially photogenic and happy to be photographed !

One day I'll have to feature the smaller/younger version of this boy- cuteness clearly runs in this family. 

I did manage to get a few of my little man too.  He wasn't as excited to have his photo taken, which is why I love the challenge of photographing others.

I'm loving the rosey cheeks on these two !


The day after the
 "BIG decision"

Regret?  Nope. 
Sadness?  Lil bit.
Excitment? Absolutely.

And thankful for those who I know well, those who I barely know, and those who I don't know at all who sent kind thoughts and support.  Thank you all !

Sooooo what now?

Well, clearly I'm not putting my camera down.  I'm actually hoping to shoot more now then I have been lately, and to shoot a wide variety of things.  

I have decided to carry on with my blog and my Cherry Bliss facebook page for now and share my photography.  BUT, I'm sort of adopting a new angle.  

Just my photography, me sharing my images, and learning, and growing, and trying different things.  I'd like to invite you to be part of this.  Let's share images (you post some too) let's link each other to cool photography stuff, and hey ! in January let's do a 30 day daily photo challenge together! 

Ok, I know you all won't participate, but you are welcome to, and you are welcome to watch what I'm doing, and see a different side of my photography.  You'll always see people in my photography, because I'm a relationship person.  And you'll see some other cool stuff too.  What else do I like to photograph?  You'll get a peek soon.

I was laying in bed conceptualizing this. And here's my new mission with my page.....


So here I go.

And because a picture always makes a post better....

 Bright sunny days ahead, even if it is winter !


closing a door... hoping a window opens.

When I first started, I heard that most photography businesses don't last much more then a year.

Add me to that list.

I'd like to explain....

I have always loved photography, and once my son was born, I was averaging 300-500 photos of him a month.  I loved capturing him.  I must have said a million times that I was envious of photographers.  I loved the idea of doing THAT as a living.  So about 15 months ago I photographed my neighbours - like a "real" photographer would, and I was hooked.  Loved it, wanted to do it for others every day of my life.  Being a spontaneous, easily excited person, I jumped.  Hard and fast.  That evening I was buying supplies, backdrops, a website, setting up a facebook page- the whole nine yards.  I was so excited to follow this passion.  

A tiny bit of back story.  I'm a social worker by training who has decided to take a hiatus from my career to raise my son.  So the idea of this new venture being compatible with my choice to stay at home felt good.  I was struggling with a bit of lack of identity after having been a busy career focused person.  Moving from that, to an at home mom was what I wanted, but did honestly come with a bit of a dent to the identity of self, and sense of purpose.

In the months that followed I had up and down success.  I was starting to become keenly aware of the over saturation of photographers in Kamloops.  So many photographers, of varying skill sets, some offering their services for free or next to nothing.  

True to my soical work training, I also learnt (probably re-learnt) that i'm more of a "building relationships" type of person that a highly competitive personality, which did not always serve me well in this market.  I did though enjoy the relationships I established with clients.

What I didn't love was the other stuff that comes with charging for a service.  People who try to nickle and dime you, and want to negotiate your prices.  To me, when someone says they'd like you to do photos for them, but don't want to pay your asking rate, it's basically a slap in the face; a subliminal message that you/your work aren't good enough.  

There is a definite lack of understanding among the general public about the work that goes into photography.  The overhead costs, the camera, the lenses, the equipment, the editing programs, the props.  That cost has to be absorbed into session fees.  Those are our work tools.  The time a photographer spends corresponding with clients, discussing sessions, the time that goes into planning a shoot, scouting locations.  All this is done in preparation for the shoot.  Then the travel time to and from the shoot, and the shoot itself.  Following the shoot, the time it takes to edit photos, to post previews for clients who are excited to see a glimpse of their session, the time it takes to burn discs, put in print orders, prepare materials for clients, and in some cases even deliver to clients.   It's time consuming.  So when someone says, " you charge THAT for just an hour of photography"  they are not informed of  the bigger picture.  And as the photographer, it feels crappy when people don't understand the amount of time/work that goes into the business of photography.  

It sounds like I am complaining, and I guess I am.  But moreover i'm telling you so that you understand and think of this when you hire your next photographer.  And because it's important for you to know why I'm finishing up with my photography business, and it's important for me to be able to tell you.

For me, the down side of the business of photography was overshadowing the photography itself.  I'll still continue to shoot, but i'm really looking forward to getting back to the enjoyment and love of photography that the business was eroding.  Maybe another person in my situation could just get over it and push on, but I don't think that's for me.  I'll be happier and more fulfilled going back to being a hobby photographer.  :)  I'll do more of what I love without worrying about everything else.  But I will miss working with clients, those relationships, and capturing smiles and great images of lots of little ones.  My son is probably going to revolt when he finds me stalking him with my camera more often then I was in recent months.

So 15 months after I started, I sit here with my unopened business licence renewal, and feel fairly confident I've made the right decision.  

I still have a couple of photographic commitments into 2012 that will be happy ways to finish up.

So thanks to clients who I had the pleasure of photographing,  I did love every minute of the sessions, and thank you for allowing me to capture your families.  And to my fellow photogs, I hope your talent and passion see you through many years of a successful photography business.

Ready to post this?   I think I've antagonized enough about this... here I go...



This weekend was my Christmas Mini Session Marathon !  Had lots of cuties come through my door, here is a sampling of some of the images.

Thanks to everyone who came, and have a great holiday !



What a fun session !  I normally do primarily families, and edit in a very traditional way, but with this session, it was just one beautiful, photogenic woman, and I was given lots of  opportunity to edit in a very funky, fun way.  It was a fun session, and I love the cool images we captured !

Hope you enjoy this mix of traditional and non-traditional natural light photography !


tracy cook {PET PHOTOGRAPHY}

I don't have a dog.  
But I have the opportunity to play with one of the cutest, nicest, best natured dogs around. 
I HEART him.  
I do wish he was mine.  
But I hate to clean up dog poop- so perhaps it's better that I just get to enjoy him and let his owners do the dirty work.  
Isn't he gorgeous??



Today was probably my last fall photo shoot before the snow flies this year.  I think we caught the fall leaves just before they all fell to the ground.  We headed to a spot very special to this family who spent many summers out there.  The "boys", truth be told are more men then boys, but really, to this mom they are her boys.  This shoot probably had to be one of my favorite to do.  The "boys", clearly their mom's apple of her eye, and dad's pride and joy are really nice young men.  I can't express how awesome it is to see a family so connected to each other and how nice it is that boys past their childhood come out for photos.

As I sat here editing the images, I kept reflecting on my family.  As the mother of a boy, I think I caught a glimpse into my family a few years in the future.  My son is almost three, and these "boys" are men, but I constantly had flashes ahead to when my son's a young man, and hope that we will be as connected as this foursome are to each other.  I hope this is us when my boy is a young man.  

At the end of the session I chased the boys away to do a few images of their parents, clearly still very much in love after many years together.  How awesome to see that !  I'm partial to the images of them too, again.... hoping this will be me and my husband down the road.  

Enough rambling... here are the images.... I sincerely hope we've accomplished what you guys were hoping for !