
The day after the
 "BIG decision"

Regret?  Nope. 
Sadness?  Lil bit.
Excitment? Absolutely.

And thankful for those who I know well, those who I barely know, and those who I don't know at all who sent kind thoughts and support.  Thank you all !

Sooooo what now?

Well, clearly I'm not putting my camera down.  I'm actually hoping to shoot more now then I have been lately, and to shoot a wide variety of things.  

I have decided to carry on with my blog and my Cherry Bliss facebook page for now and share my photography.  BUT, I'm sort of adopting a new angle.  

Just my photography, me sharing my images, and learning, and growing, and trying different things.  I'd like to invite you to be part of this.  Let's share images (you post some too) let's link each other to cool photography stuff, and hey ! in January let's do a 30 day daily photo challenge together! 

Ok, I know you all won't participate, but you are welcome to, and you are welcome to watch what I'm doing, and see a different side of my photography.  You'll always see people in my photography, because I'm a relationship person.  And you'll see some other cool stuff too.  What else do I like to photograph?  You'll get a peek soon.

I was laying in bed conceptualizing this. And here's my new mission with my page.....


So here I go.

And because a picture always makes a post better....

 Bright sunny days ahead, even if it is winter !

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