
Photographing Alberta - part three

Big Alberta Skies and Abandoned barns and houses were easy to find on this trip.

I've really become interested in old things in disrepair.  
Buildings included.
I always wonder what the story is.
Who lived there?
Where did they go?
Why did they leave?

 I thought it was pretty unique to see a house/shed painted this colour on the very green praries.

This one was really beautiful.  Awesome wood- still solid, but obviously no longer home to anyone but birds.

We took the barbed wire as a nice photo op rather than a warning to stay out

This place was literally in the middle of 
N.O.       W.H.E.R.E

 Another barbed wire fence....and yet another disused house.
Perhaps it's my imagination, but the door hanging off it's hinges makes me think they left in a hurry.
(probably just an over active imagination)

 Now there is a story to this place.  

Population 8.
Classified as a ghost town.
It didn't look like a ghost town to me.
But my husband explained that the local town "folk" are trying to re-brand the town and make it a tourist spot.
So it is a ghost town.
With mowed lawns
And re-purposed buildings.

Like the funeral home that is no longer used as a funeral home.
And when you peek in the windows...
looks like it was last used as a pool hall.
It's future?

 The lovely old fashioned train station.

Photographing Alberta part four- more about Rowley.

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