

We sure lucked out on weather for today's family session !  I had a beautiful family of three, at my favorite time of day- nearing sunset.  The little man was such a sweetie- and so generous with his smiles !  I'll answer two quick questions I know you will have once you see these pics.  1) yes, the fall colours really were that magical and  2) yes, this little man really is THAT absolutely adorably cute !  (ohh those blue eyes !!!)

Enjoy the preview !

 Seriously, this gorgeous little face is awesome
Modelling portfolio ? 

 Quick change of clothes and we were off again !  Who doesn't love a little man in overalls and boots !  ADORE!!!!

 I love natural moments.....
 Coming up on their 5th anniversary- congrats guys !



A good friend and I took my little man out for a hike in the beautiful fall colours.  He LOVED it.  Exploring, climbing, checking out new scenery.  A little man`s ideal morning !



Family photo shoots have to be one of my favorite types to do.  Maybe it's because I'm a parent myself, but I always want to capture the love and emotion between parents and their children.  I've photographed this family before, and got one of my all time favorite shots of the little man and his dad.  It was an image that I thought just moved me and showed the strong connection between father and son.  This was the image.

Fast forward almost a year ahead.  I was privileged to shoot them again.  They are such a nice family, but it's funny, I feel an intense need to please this dad with my images more then anyone else I've shot.  It's totally pressure from within because like I said, they are the nicest family.  But I really want him to like these.  I think he's the dad who will give me honest feedback, will tell me if I got it right or wrong- which I actually really appreciate from a learning perspective.  Hey, as a photographer I want my clients to love the images, and I appreciate them trusting me to capture their family.  So here are a few previews of tonight's session.  Did I get it right Kev?  :)

We threw a little outdoor party for the little man's upcoming third birthday !  Ohh what fun it was !! 



Hello Fall

Now that we live in Kamloops- we actually see four distinct seasons.  When we were in Calgary, one day it was Winter, the next day Summer.  You know what I mean if you're from there.
It's honestly not an exaggeration.

Leafs fall off at a rapid rate in Calgary.  One day they are green and on the trees, the next day they are brown, crusty and on the ground.

I do love the Kamloops weather, and since we've lived here, and I've been able to experience the change of seasons, I've come to love fall.
Beautiful colours, leaves falling, the contrast of the blue sky and the yellow leaves....



May I share an image of my little boy?  I've wanted to capture a certain pose/look/image for a while now.  Something about him that I love, and want to remember in it's absolute 2 year old state.  Now normally this is what I get from him when I come with the camera......

along with a swatting motion, like i'm some sort of insect disturbing and annoying him.

But today, through the MIRACLE of a chocolate chip bribe, I got it !  And I love it !!!!

I wanted just that one eye in focus with those beautiful eyelashes !  Ohh my boy, how I love him so much !


As the saying goes, I've had a bee in my bonnet for a couple weeks now.  
Something about the photography world has really irked me.  

There is this website that I got linked to by an acquaintance. The web site banner screams out "You're not a Photographer"- they talk about faux togs, and they belittle and ridicule people who post photographs on photography pages on facebook.  I've looked a few times, and I'd have to agree that 99% of the images are questionable- or worse then questionable- they are not photographically pleasing to the eye, nor are they indicative of someone who has had any training.   But, they are probably done by someone who is trying.  Trying different things, wanting to get better.

I understand that photographers are insulted that someone would call themselves professional and post those types of less then polished images.  But why is that such a personal insult to other photographers?   The page has 21.000 followers, so clearly insulting is of more interest then assisting.

I 100% agree with another catch phrase on their site something along the lines of " just because you own a camera doesn't make you a photographer"  Again- that's true.  I see photographers all over the web and facebook spouting that phrase out.  Yup, I agree.

A few weeks ago, I witnessed a group of photographers engaged in a discussion online about how pathetic some photographers are, and how they'd like to reveal them to the world for the fauxtogs that they are.  These women seemed angry and personally affronted by these so called fauxtogs.  

And then, I stumbled upon an image that a now popular photographer did many many years ago.  Let's just say- it probably isn't one that she wants floating around- but it is.

It brought home the fact that even those that are laughing and ridiculing have taken horrible photos, and printed a business name on them.  So why do they think that NOW that they have had years of practice that they can judge and ridicule those who are beginning?  Have they forgotten that they were once a shade of that photographer that they are making fun of?  Why do they get to pretend they have always done superior photography and take the holier then thou stance and judge?

Generally, I have found that photography is not a friendly business.  There aren't photographers waiting to lend a hand, share a kind word, or talk shop.  It's a very protectionist atmosphere.  

I'm not trying to break anyone down or steal anything, i'm just doing what i'm doing, and letting you do what you are doing.  Why can't we just 

 source- pintrest

And NO, I haven't been featured on the website.  I hope to never be.   But as I celebrate my one year photography anniversary, I know that I am still learning, and I just wonder since when has learning been a bad thing?  And something a person shouldn't admit?

I count myself very fortunate to be an at home mom to my almost 3 yr old boy.  
Never for one second before I had him did I think I'd be an at home mom.
Once a devoted, career focused, stressed out working girl
(Social Work to be exact)
I never thought I'd give that up.

I get to see every moment of my boy's life.
I love it.
He's growing up too fast not to be there.
I was with him at his gymnastics class on Monday,and I was running along side him while he was blissfully 
doing his version of gymnastics with the biggest smile on his face.
I realized these little things are big things.
These are the little moments I want to cherish.
And savour in the moment.
So I did.
I just watched his joyful, youthful smile that was totally focused on the sheer bliss of the moment.
And that was an amazing little (BIG) moment.



Hubby and I both share a love of photography, exploring, and heading off the beaten trail.  With my mother in law in town to look after our little guy, we decided to go exploring.  A neighbour had seen my photos of old buildings and barns before and recommended this very secluded place not too far from Kamloops.  I suspect there is a lot of history to these sets of dwellings- I need to look into it further before I can say much.  Although it was a dreary rainy day, I loved what we found !  We happily explored for hours, and these are some of the images I captured.  

A cold house built into the hill- still in good repair

 Love the roof !
 An apple tree in the background.  Bear poop nearby.
 Isolation.  Way back when it was occupied- peace and serenity, or boredom and depressing?

I think I squealed when we went around back of this one and found the car

Grass growing from under the motor

Love the details of old vehicles in poor repair

What a great find !  We so enjoyed the day on our own, and I loved capturing these images and exploring !!